

Teacher: Mrs Stevens

Are there any themes for this year?

We have themes every second week and child-inspired themes the alternate weeks. Some examples are: Fall Changes, Farming and Harvest, Winter Animals, Occupations, All About Me, Bugs, etc.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Learning to print their names. Identifying their letters, numbers, shapes, colors. Recognizing patterns. Learning to share and take turns.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

We have a smart board and our own bathrooms in the classroom. The students enjoy many educational play-based centers including a kitchen area, sand table, fine motor activities, math and language art centers.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

I enjoy teaching Pre-K as you get to experience things with them for the first time. Their excitement and humour and never ending amount of hugs makes every day a special one.

What are students most excited about?

This is when the children develop a relationship with learning. They are excited to learn. They love to see their friends and spend most of their day working together with their classmates.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Christmas concert, Bike-a-thon, Boston Pizza, Pre-K farewell.




Teacher: Ms Pacheco

Are there any themes for this year?

In Science we look at Trees, Colours and Paper. In Social Studies students learn “All about Me”, The World Around me and The people around me. In Language Arts we look at our “POPCORN WORDS” (sight words), we look at “Word Families” and we also do Poetry. In Math we look at Patterns, Number recognition, and introduce adding and subtracting.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Printing correct letter formation and learning letter sounds. We are using a program called “Letterland” where each letter has a different character and action for the sound. Students will also begin recognizing numbers to 50 and start putting letter sounds together to create words.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

Students use the iPads where they work on alphabet tracing and a program called RAZ KIDS.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

In kindergarten students grow and learn so much. I love the innocence, excitement of learning, and the eagerness.

What are students most excited about?

We will be celebrating our 100th day of school. We keep track by putting a puzzle piece up each day on our 100 piece puzzle.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

We will be going to the Children’s Museum in May and the Farm in June.


Teacher: Mrs Patek

Are there any themes for this year?

Each month we have a new author of the month, and a new pattern. As part of our science curriculum, we learn about trees, seasons, colours, and paper. As part of our social studies curriculum, we learn all about “me”, the people around me, and the world around me. As part of our religious program, we learn about the Advent, Lent, and various saints. We also learn the Lord’s Prayer and Hail Mary.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Printing, learning the alphabet (identifying letters and sounds), learning numbers 1 – 30 (identifying numbers, counting, sequencing). We also introduce reading.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

Smartboard and classroom fish named Francis.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

The students are so excited to learn. They love coming to class, and they love their teachers.

What are students most excited about?

Students love socializing with the other students. Students love when they are the Student of the Week (and they get to create their own robot).

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Classroom parties (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s and 100th Day). PJ Day and Brunch with Santa. Field Trips: Children’s Museum and the farm.


Grade 1


Teacher: Ms Villegas

Are there any themes for this year?

One major theme is community and how each student belongs to different communities, from our classroom community, to school community, to cultural and outside school activities communities.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

For the kids, one of the biggest milestones is independence as many of them are able to read and understand questions without being told what to do. They feel very accomplished when they have done something on their own and can move forward at their own pace.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

Our whole room is something new and exciting because it used to be the school library. It definitely looks different than it did last year!

Why are you excited to teach this class?

I am excited because after so many years of subbing at St. Emile, I get my own classroom. It has been a great challenge starting a classroom up from scratch and I have been having fun learning about grade 2!

What are students most excited about?

The students know I love art and they are always excited about new art projects. They also love Science and are eager with every new experiment.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

There is the annual grade 2 popcorn sale in the new year. For field trips, we will go to the Japanese Cultural Center and Lower Fort Garry with the other grade 2 class.


Teacher: Ms. Aco

Are there any themes for this year?

“We are Bucket Fillers” will be this year’s theme, inspired by Carol McCloud’s book Have You Filled a Bucket Today?. The Grade 1 students will be filling each other’s buckets with kindness, becoming more aware of their own emotions and those of their peers as they build strong relationships. Additionally, they will continue to appreciate and become stewards of God’s beautiful creation.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

The primary goals for this grade are learning to read and beginning the transition from concrete to abstract concepts in math. To achieve these goals, students will engage with the curriculum through hands-on, project-based activities and play. This approach will help them build prior knowledge, making it easier to grasp new concepts. It will also provide them with meaningful experiences, allowing them not only to decode and count but also to apply these concepts in practical ways.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?
In Grade 1, we will be using iPads. Additionally, there are toys and materials available for students to engage in S.T.E.A.M. activities through play. There’s even a Lego wall— my personal favorite!

Why are you excited to teach this class?

This age group is curious about the world around them. They are eager to learn new things and are enthusiastic about participating in fun classroom activities. I am also excited to help them build a strong foundation for future learning while fostering a love for learning.

What are students most excited about?

We’ll have plenty of opportunities to spark wonder and curiosity through art and experiments. They will be raising butterflies from caterpillars! They are also looking forward to class parties to celebrate special events and achievements.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

In October, we will be watching the play ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ at MTYP. We’re also planning visits to places like the zoo, a farm, the Children’s Museum, and hopefully many more!


Grade 2


Teacher: Mrs Mak

Are there any themes for this year? 

The main themes for our class this year is community and teamwork. We will be focusing on learning about our own family community, our class community, school community, and learning about different cultural communities. Helping others in different ways will be a focus in our classroom as well. We want to celebrate our differences and uniqueness.  

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

In Grade 2, students develop stronger skills in all of their previous educational experiences. They will develop stronger writing skills, reading and number sense. A goal for students is to be reading with greater fluency and expression. They will develop ‘juicier’ fuller sentences and begin to use correct punctuations that go along with their writing.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

Students will have the opportunity to use iPads occasionally (one school day per cycle). During this time, students will be exploring educational apps that will enhance their learning. Students will also be exploring different STEM activities that go hand in hand with the Manitoba curriculum as well as building problem solving, team work, encouraging curiosity, creativity, and communication.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

I am excited to learn and grow with the students. Grade 2 is a wonderful grade where students learn so much and are so enthusiastic to share their knowledge. They’re full of inquiry and willing to explore their curiosity.

What are students most excited about?

Students are most excited about the hands-on learning and activities that are going to happen in our class! My goal is to make sure students are happy and safe at school. Their social and emotional needs are important to me.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Students will have the opportunity to participate in meaningful field trips that are connected to the learning in the classroom. We are hoping to welcome baby chicks and caterpillar chrysalises into our classroom towards the last term of school.

Teacher: Ms. Porco

Are there any themes for this year?

The main theme for our classroom this year is Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the inception of compassion and consideration of others, which is learned through conversations and personal experiences or reflection. Being mindful of our own emotions as well as the emotions of others is a goal that we will strive to achieve this year. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to be mindful through various activities throughout the school year.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

In grade 2, students develop stronger skills in reading and writing. They are able to build off skills that they have previously acquired in their educational experiences. Students begin to read with more fluency and expression. They develop stronger writing skills, which includes being able to write in full sentences and use correct punctuation.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

We will have the opportunity to use the iPads once per school day cycle. During this time the students can explore educational sites and applications including ABCYA, RazKids, and Mathletics. Later on in the school year the students will also use iPads to complete mini research projects.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

I am excited to teach grade 2 because the students love learning at this age. I also really like the grade 2 curriculum and can not wait to teach it to my class, specifically the science component.

What are students most excited about?

Students get the most excited abount hands-on experiences and activities that are cross-curricular in nature. My goal is to make every learning experience relevant and meaningful for my students. At this age, having these hands-on experiences are key and allow us to explore the world around us in fun and creative ways.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Students will have the opportunity to go on various filed trips throughout the school year that will compliment their in class learning. In the spring, I hope to receive caterpillar chrysalises to give my students the opportunity as a class to watch them turn into butterflies!


Grade 3


Teacher: Mrs. Remple

Are there any themes for this year?

“Be here. Be you. Belong.” Brene Brown

Our focus this year will be on building our class community, creating a culture of peace and learning about the world around us. In Language Arts, we will explore various texts such as reader’s theatre and poetry. In Science, we learn about Growth and Changes in Plants, Soil and the Environment, Forces that Attract or Repel, and Materials and Structures. In Social Studies we focus on us, our communities and Canada to start with, then we learn about the continents and countries of the world. 

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

We will continue to build our literacy skills as well as our numeracy skills. We try to understand and master the basic addition and subtraction facts to 20, adding and subtracting 2 and  3-digit numbers, and multiplication and division facts to 5 X 5 ! We work on the conventions of writing and cursive writing.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

We have a class set of chrome books to use for research, Raz-kids, mathletics and typing club. 

Why are you excited to teach this class?

Grade 3 students are eager and curious. They are excited for added responsibility and a challenge.

What are students most excited about?

The students are excited to make new friends, have new experiences along with more responsibility.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

The grade 3 and 4 students go to the Manitoba Theatre for Young People. The students always love our annual Bike-a-thon as well as our Christmas concert. 



Teacher: Ms. Harmon

Are there any themes for this year?

In Science we learn about Plants and Soils, Forces, as well as Materials and Structures. Communities are the focus in Social Studies beginning close to home, then expanding out into the whole world.  Grades three and four make up the choir at all Eucharistic Celebrations (masses).

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Responsibility increases in grade three as we will now learn how to complete unit tests on a regular basis. We aim to reach reading level P. We try to understand and master basic addition and subtraction facts to 20, adding and subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers, as well as multiplication and division facts to 5 X 5.  We work on the conventions of writing and cursive writing.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

We use Chrome Books and start typing with Typing Club. We use Mathletics and Razkids. We research online about other countries and use Google Slides to present our research.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

Grade three is a lovely age, they want to do well and are eager learners.

What are students most excited about?

Most students are excited about the raised expectations.  They like a challenge, learning new things, and opportunities to use technology. They are also excited about the opportunity to learn to play the recorder with Mr. Plant.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

The students always love our annual Bike-a-thon as well as our Christmas concert, and we will aim for an end of year field trip regarding our Current Communities unit in Social Studies.


Grade 4


Teacher: Mr. Gudz

Are there any themes for this year?

Our theme for this school year is “Classroom Community”. Students will learn what is needed to ensure a community remains connected and thriving. Students will help to maintain our classroom as an organized, respectful and welcoming environment where uniqueness is valued, hard work is encouraged, and respect is given to all. Students will understand and appreciate all that God has given to us and how best they can use their God given talents to continuously enhance our classroom, school and Catholic community.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Learning is a skill that persists for life and students in my classroom will be given many enjoyable learning experiences in every subject area. Milestones this year will include students learning more about Canada, Manitoba and other parts of our great country, as well as their rights and responsibilities as Canadian citizens. Students will continue to work towards enhancing their knowledge of number facts, mental math abilities and problem-solving skills. For English, students will learn new ways to express themselves in writing and continue to grow their reading stamina through various novel studies, detailed lessons and activities. For science, students will learn more about the world around them and how they can make decisions that will contribute to the betterment of the natural environment. Students will also attain useful knowledge on safety practices, personal and social management techniques, as well as healthy lifestyle practises to guide them as they continue to grow into hardworking, independent young adults.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

This year marks the first time Mr. Gudz has had the chance to make a classroom fully his own. My classroom is a well organized, colorful and welcoming space with encouraging posters all around, a class showcase board to highlight student achievement and an expanded library full of books from many genres. We will use our wonderful Chromebooks when learning and expanding our knowledge on topics for major projects. This year my classroom has a reading area with a carpet for students to gather and additional comforts while they read. A variety of board games are also available for student enjoyment during free periods.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

This is my first time ever teaching Grade 4! I am excited because this grade level affords many opportunities to construct enjoyable, meaningful learning experiences that I hope my students never forget and carry with them as they continue their school journey. Students in Grade 4 are beginning to become more independent and curious about themselves and the world around them. I am excited to be apart of this important stage of their young lives and giving them opportunities to grow independently and attaining the skills needed to fuel their passions and curiosities to discover their talents, desires and destinies.

What are students most excited about?

Students are looking forward to continuing to grow as learners and obtain new skills to add to their already diverse set. Students will enjoy our Chromebooks and library whilst embarking on their yearly journey of academic growth, as well as field trips to provide them with a memorable adventure and a deep dive into concepts taught in class. Students enjoy learning that is meaningful, engaging and fosters self-discovery. These attributes for enjoyable and successful learning will permeate every subject area in my class!

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Throughout the school year we will be going on field trips to a variety of locations to aid students as they learn new concepts in class. Students will showcase their talent and skills during school concerts, activities and track. Fun activities will also occur during important times throughout the year, such as Catholic Schools Week.


Teacher: Ms Hudson

Are there any themes for this year?

A theme for our classroom this year is “working together”. As a classroom we will be learning and growing together as one. In our classroom we will appreciate and acknowledge how our differences make us unique and special. Our classroom is a safe place where we can feel free of judgement and feel appreciated and inspired to be the best people we can be.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

In grade 4, the students are encouraged to have their multiplication tables memorized up to 12. Students are continuing to work on their reading and writing along with growing their confidence in public speaking.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

We are very fortunate to have a class set of chrome books which we can use as a supplementary resource. We use the chrome books in many different ways in many different classes. Our classroom is unique and has lots of natural light and a very warm and cozy feel which the students enjoy.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

This year I am excited to teach grade 4 because I really enjoy this age group. There is a great eagerness to learn and explore new concepts. I encourage students to ask questions and share their personal thoughts and ideas.  I am looking forward to seeing the students grow and become more independent as learners.

What are students most excited about?

The grade four students will be excited to have access to chrome books and will be looking forward to school field trips!


Grade 5


Teacher: Mrs. Burdey

Are there any themes for this year?

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Becoming more independent learners in terms of their problem solving skills and ability to research a topic. Learning how to do multiplication with up to three numbers multiplied by two. Then long division with four numbers divided by two. In grade 5 we focus on reading for meaning and looking for the author’s purpose and message in the book. We have many discussions and try to see everyone’s point of view in a respectful way.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

We use chrome books to assist and enhance our learning. Using programs such as Mathletics and RazKids among others to allow students to practice their learning in a fun way. We use technology to research in science, social studies, religion, language arts and present or idea to the class through such programs as google slides.
The grade 5 students get to participate in the Roots Of Empathy program which is a world renown program helping students identify and practice empathy with each other through the developmental stages of a baby

Why are you excited to teach this class?

The students in grade 5 have great energy and are fun to teach. They are excited to learn new things in the world around them. They are becoming more independent learners and risk takers. They like to be challenged and have interesting discussions about a variety of topics. Grade 5 is an amazing year of growth and independence!

What are students most excited about?

Students look forward to learning how to be a school patrol. They enjoy the Roots of Empathy program. They look forward to using chrome books and presenting their learning to the class. They enjoy field trips to the Manitoba Museum, Lower Fort Garry, and especially an overnight camping (or ski)trip.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Students look forward to the annual Bike-a-thon! They look forward to meeting their Roots of Empathy baby and their younger reading buddy! They also get excited about the Christmas concert, track meets and all the fun and exciting events going on.


Teacher: Mrs. Martin

Are there any themes for this year?
The overall themes within our classroom are of respect and community. We will be focusing on collaboration and teamwork throughout the year through a variety of projects and activities across all subject areas.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

This year, we will continue to develop our independence in learning, as well as learn to take ownership and responsibility over our learning, including time management for completing assignments and projects.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc.)?

We use Chromebooks to supplement and enhance our learning. We use programs such as Prodigy and Typing Club among others to allow students to practice their learning in a fun way. We use the Chromebooks for research in all subjects areas and to present projects such as T.U.S.C.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

Students at this age are so fun to teach! They are continuing to build their independence and gain confidence in their abilities and knowledge, which is so lovely to see as they progress over the school year. The grade 5 curriculum is also very interesting and allows for a lot of fun, engaging activities and projects which I am very excited about

What are students most excited about?

The students are excited about using chrome books in class to complete assignments and projects. They are also excited about some of the fun and interactive projects we will have this year, including our weekly TUSC meetings.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

The students look forward to taking part in the Roots of Empathy program and reading buddies. They also take part in the Christmas concert, track meets and other fun field trips such as to the Manitoba Museum, and Lower Fort Garry


Grade 6


Teacher: Mr. Guyot

Are there any themes for this year?

Grade 6 is an important year when learning about history. Students not only learn about
Canada’s involvement in WWI and WWII, but also how these events impacted Europe
and the rest of the world. In grade 6, students also learn about the dark history of
slavery in the United States before the Civil War. Students also learn about the heroes
of the Underground Railway and how the impact of many Canadians aided in their
journey to freedom. These topics are present in both our SS and ELA curriculum.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

This year we will learn about how to study effectively for tests, as well as to take ownership and responsibility over our learning, including time management for completing assignments and projects both at school and at home, in order to prepare for junior high.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

Students are very fortunate to be in the new addition this year! This is the second year
for myself and I really enjoy the natural light in the room as well as the wide hallways
the addition offers. I change the seating plan monthly and we often change the dynamic
in the class in terms of how we set up desks. This enables group work to function in a
more efficient manner.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

The grade 6 curriculum is some of the most exciting and thought-provoking curriculum
in the middle years! Students learn about the amazingly diverse planet we share with
other animals and plants. Students learn about mysteries of the universe in our Space
unit – are we alone in the universe? Probably not! Are there other planets and moons
that may harbour life? What ingredients does life need? Can we live on Mars one day?
It’s all very exciting! In our social studies units, we learn how Canada became unified
and its contributions during the World Wars making it a country to be respected.

What are students most excited about?

Students are looking forward to our novel study units, our exciting science curriculum,
using Chromebooks to enhance their knowledge and are most definitely thrilled to be in
the new wing of St. Emile!

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Students are looking forward to our novel study units, our exciting science curriculum,
using Chromebooks to enhance their knowledge and are most definitely thrilled to be in
the new wing of St. Emile!


Teacher: Mrs. Sidhu

Are there any themes for this year?

This year a large part of our learning is related to World War I and World War II, both in our Social Studies curriculum as well as within our ELA curriculum through our novel studies and literature circles. We also focus on social justice issues, including human rights. We will have an overall theme of respect and community within our classroom.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

This year we will learn about how to study effectively for tests, as well as to take ownership and responsibility over our learning, including time management for completing assignments and projects both at school and at home, in order to prepare for junior high.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

This year, our classroom will have flexible seating where the students, at times, will have the option to choose where and how they learn best within the classroom in order to learn and complete their work to the best of their abilities. This includes lap desks, comfortable seating options, standing desks and many more options which will encourage the students to be comfortable, and in turn, to be calm, focused and productive

Why are you excited to teach this class?

Students at this age are so fun to teach! They are continuing to build their independence and gain confidence in their abilities and knowledge, which is so lovely to see as they progress over the school year. The grade 6 curriculum is also very interesting and allows for a lot of fun, engaging activities and projects which I am very excited about.

What are students most excited about?

The students are excited about using chromebooks in class to complete assignments and projects. They are also excited about some of the fun and interactive projects we will have this year, including our weekly TUSC meetings

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

We will be acting in the Christmas Concert in December. We also will have a few presentations related to our curriculum throughout the year including, Let’s Talk Science and Stardome. We also will have our own Space Day, and at the end of the year, will host our own Living Wax Museum based on the individuals we have learned about in our Social Studies curriculum.


Grade 7


Teacher: Mr. Martin

Are there any themes for this year?

We’re big on math, learning about ecosystems, and exploring the different continents and cultures of the world.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Independence. Students will work to develop routines and habits that help them take ownership and responsibility for their own learning.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

Our beautiful, spacious classroom is part of the school’s new wing. Grade seven students will have access to their own Chromebooks, which we will use to enhance our learning.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

Grade seven is a fun year! You can really see them growing up and coming into their own. It’s rewarding to be a part of that process, helping them to build confidence and tackle challenges.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

We will welcome guest speakers into our classroom as they relate to our studies. Field trips are to be determined.


Teacher: Ms. Sucharyna

Are there any themes for this year?

Quality of life, human rights, researching/analyzing/presenting information, building vocabulary, and expressing ideas. We will have an overarching theme of building respectful relationships with ourselves and others.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Students will be encouraged to develop effective study habits, note-taking strategies, presentation skills, time-management, and self-direction that will help them achieve high academic expectations. Students will learn fundamental skills needed for later grades, such as researching, analyzing, and communicating ideas.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

I have added books into our classroom library that will tap into students’ diverse interests. We will have a class set of Chromebooks, and I have requested each student bring a personal whiteboard to use in all subjects to allow for whole-group learning experiences.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

Grade 7 students are willing to learn if they feel that what they are learning is meaningful. For this reason, I will explicitly make connections between what they learn in the classroom and the real world while also incorporating hands-on learning experiences. I look forward to providing students with specific feedback to help them gain confidence in themselves as they become independent thinkers and capable citizens. I greatly look forward to becoming a part of the St. Emile community.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

We will welcome guest speakers into our classroom as they relate to our studies. Field trips are to be determined.


Grade 8


Teacher: Mr Smith

Are there any themes for this year?

The main themes this year will be understanding and critically analyzing important historical events (social studies), bolstering our skillset with numbers, shapes and data (math), gaining a better comprehension of our faith and the origins of the Catholic Church (religion), strengthening and expanding language/literary abilities (ELA) and delving deeper into more complex branching concepts of biology, chemistry and physics (science).

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

This will be students’ final year at St. Emile before moving on to high school life, which can be both exciting and a little bit scary. In grade 8 we will be focusing on fostering independence and personal responsibility, as well as building on more advanced academic skills like essay writing, conducting research, exam preparation, creative inquiry and project-based learning.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

We are all very enthusiastic about our brand new classrooms for grades 6 – 8! Throughout the year we will be building up and decorating our grade 8 room together in a collaborative effort to make it the best possible learning space. We will also continue to incorporate a variety of technology use in our everyday learning and use it to enhance our classroom experience, including a new projector system, as well as personal Chromebooks and full use of Google Education Suite for each student.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

This will be my fourth year at St. Emile and third year teaching grade 8. I’m very much looking forward to expanding my own knowledge and learning with this older and more mature grade level. Grade 8 social studies in particular (ancient history and civilizations) is my absolute favourite thing to learn about, and I hope to pass along this passion to students.

What are students most excited about?

Students are no doubt excited to enter into their new classrooms for homeroom, French and music. Being in grade 8 means they have an opportunity to make their last year at St. Emile a memorable one, while being positive role models for the younger grades. They have the ability to use everything they have learned in grade 7 to elevate their own learning and prepare themselves for future success as they graduate into high school.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

Grade 8 out of province trip in the spring!


Teacher: Mr Bartlett

Are there any themes for this year?

Grade eight will be filled with various themes across the curriculum. Themes that will allow the students to extend the curriculum will include, but not limited to: February’s study of African American literature and culture during Black History Month, a study of the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, and inquiry based projects in both science and history.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

Grade eight is a monumental year for several reasons. The final year of middle school prior to entering high school can be both exciting and daunting. This is the year to implement all the lessons, both curricular and non-curricular, that have been learned since pre-kindergarten. For some students, the journey at St. Emile has lasted almost a decade, and now finally in grade eight, the class of 2024 gets to lead by example and foster the ideals of the school to the younger students. In class, along with establishing and building upon social relationships, the students will be challenged and supported in learning civilizations dating back to the Paleolithic time period, manipulating numbers using a variety of methods, interacting with science in a new way, critically analyzing a vast range of literature, and continuing on their journey of spiritual growth.

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

I always strive for my classroom to be a combination of traditional teaching techniques, coupled with progressive strategies. Utilizing the Google Suite of applications to enhance the use of technology in the classroom is the starting point. Exposing the students to other websites, applications, and programs throughout the year will be beneficial to enhance their bank of resources as they head into high school.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

My journey to St. Emile has been a long one and I am excited to bring my approach to a new class of students and school community. I have taught in Catholic schools in Manitoba, and my home province of Newfoundland, for sixteen years. This will be my first year in many moons when I will have the same students for all the core subject areas. I am excited to utilize cross-curricular endeavours during the school year to deepen the learning of the students. As per my teaching philosophy, even though we will work hard both in school and at home, there will be guaranteed laughter, story telling, and adventures along the way.

What are students most excited about?

As grade eight students, the opportunity to culminate their St. Emile journey in a positive way is at the forefront. Striving to pursue academic, athletic, artistic, and spiritual goals to cement their legacy as a St. Emile Husky is always the most exciting part of grade eight.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

From regularly scheduled spiritual movie studies, a large focus on African American literature and culture in February, and of course a trip in the spring, this will be an exciting year with events for each student to enjoy. The students finish their journey with St Emile School with an out of province trip!




Teacher: Madame Pedersen

Are there any themes for this year?

Some of our themes this year will include: numbers, alphabet, colours, school objects, clothing, body parts, household objects, food, calendar, weather and holidays, family members, animals, transportation, prepositions and occupations. The older grade will also learn about themes exploring my life, school, food and health as well as Canada and the world.

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in this grade?

In the early years I find that students are eager to learn a new language, and seek out opportunities to use this language in their everyday lives. Most students have the same french language ability at this stage and are constantly asking for new vocabulary words in french. A big milestone for the early years is becoming a ‘petit prof’ and leading the daily routine in class with little or no assistance from myself or others.
In the middle years, I find there is a wide range of abilities in each of our classrooms. Some of our students come from french immersion programs and find less of a challenge continuing their language learning, while others are just beginning their learning of the French language. A big milestone for these students is gaining the ability to have a conversation in french.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

I love the french language and am always excited to share it with all of my students in fun and creative ways. I believe there are many benefits to learning the french language and about Francophone culture as well.

What are students most excited about?

Our early years students are the most excited to learn about our songs and question routines, as well as Monsieur Hibou, our Francophone owl. In the middle years , students thrive when they are able to converse in and understand the french language, as well as being able to respond to questions about themselves in french. These classes enjoy being able to express their learning through various mini projects.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

There will be many opportunities for adventures in learning this year! Our Grade 5’s will get the opportunity to go to Festival du Voyageur in February, as it ties into both the French and Social Studies curriculum.


Physical Education & Health


Teacher: Mr. Katopodis

Are there any themes for this year?

Summer Olympics will be a big theme later in the year!

What are the biggest learning/teaching milestones in these grades?

Students learn to skip, gallop, shuffle, throw, roll and kick properly. The students also learn team work!
Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)
New dodgeballs and Frisbees.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

I’m very excited to teach these classes because the students primarily enjoy physical education, and love to learn new skills and push themselves.

What are students most excited about?

Cross country , track and field and the basketball program.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

A cross Country meet at Crescent Drive Park, 3 indoor track and field meets at the University of Manitoba, Knights of Columbus outdoor track met, our school track meet at Grant Park, field days and jungle gym days!


Physical Education & Health


Teacher: Ms. Turgeon

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

New developmental basketball and volleyball jerseys.

Why are you excited to teach this class?

The kids are generally excited to be in the gym.

What are students most excited about?

Playing games, staying active and team sports.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

  • Elementary track meets – Jan 31 / Mar 1 / Mar 13
  • Jr. High – Feb 2 / Feb 15 / Mar 15



Teacher: Gordon Plant

Is there anything special about the classroom (new gear, tech, books, etc)?

Brand new soprano and alto glockenspiels!!

Why are you excited to teach this class?

I am very excited to teach all of my music knowledge to all of the school’s students and I am excited to build relationships with the students.

What are students most excited about?

The students are excited about designing their class music videos and to be learning choreographies for a wide variety of music genres.

Are there any major dates or events to note (class trips, concerts, etc)?

A future school wide music concert is in the planning stages!


We offer children in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade Eight a varied learning environment that is faith based, academically challenging and community minded! Please browse our website and feel free to contact us for further information.